Azle Dentist


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Does Invisalign make teeth bigger?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment used for straightening the teeth for a straight and beautiful smile. Invisalign treatment helps move your teeth in a better position. However, Invisalign doesn’t make your teeth bigger, but it can broaden or widen your smile. Sometimes your teeth can appear bigger because your dental arch is naturally wide, but Invisalign treatment doesn’t affect the size of your teeth and doesn’t make them big or small.

In addition, if you want a wide smile, you have to widen your dental arch, which is only possible with orthopedic treatment like Invisalign. Invisalign treatment can upright be tipped the teeth, creating a slightly broader smile. Wearing your Invisalign for more than 20 hours is important for effective results. Adjusting your Invisalign aligners every 4-to 5 days will slowly enlarge your dental arch and get a broader smile. Moreover, you should wear your aligners after widening the dental arch to align your teeth properly.

How does Invisalign treatment affect your teeth placement?

Invisalign treatments are used to shift the teeth into the correct position and widen the smile. Invisalign aligners do not change the shape of the teeth or the jawbone. It merely moves the teeth to the right place to give your face and teeth an asymmetrical look. Once your teeth have been shifted into a wider position, your smile will appear wider. Small placement changes in your teeth after wearing Invisalign can make your smile bigger, but it does not make your teeth look bigger.

In addition, if you feel your teeth are looking bigger after the Invisalign treatment, it could be due to the extra width created between your teeth and lips. It can give the illusion of a bigger lip and teeth, but your teeth will return to their normal position after your Invisalign treatment finishes.

Ensure to consult your trusted dentist, if you experience constant issues with your Invisalign.