Azle Dentist


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What Happens if Your Teeth Aren’t Straight After Braces?

People hope to have a flawless smile after they have gone through orthodontic treatment. But sadly, it might not always be the case that your teeth are perfectly aligned even after you take your braces off. Despite having the best dentist, it is difficult to predict the exact outcome of any teeth straightening process. It is natural for your teeth to shift back to their original position even after orthodontic treatment. But do not be too worried if this happens with you since we will tell you a few options available to you in case you are not happy after your orthodontic treatment is over.

What Should You Do if Your Teeth are Still Not Straight After Braces?

The first thing you should consider doing is speaking to your dentist since dentists like to keep their patients happy and might have some solution for you. One of the reasons could be that your braces were removed sooner than required, so your orthodontist could reinstall traditional metal braces.

  • Invisalign: This is a popular option since they are made up of plastic, clear trays which are not so visible. The cost of Invisalign is quite a bit but if you just need minor corrections then it can be an affordable and viable option.
  • Veneers: Sometimes rather than crooked teeth, the issue could be the unusual size or shape of the teeth. Veneers put a thin and durable layer on your tooth, and they are custom-made to blend with the rest of your teeth.
  • Bonding: It could also be that your orthodontic procedure was successful, yet your teeth alignment looks off due to a couple of chipped or work teeth. In such a case getting a tooth color material bonded to your crooked teeth can make your overall smile look more aesthetic.

One of the common issues with braces is that even though the patient initially feels happy with the results, they start complaining about crooked teeth. This is because teeth start to shift once orthodontics are removed. Teeth take some time to firmly place themselves in their positions. Hence it is extremely necessary to wear retainers for the duration your orthodontist recommends you to wear them. This will not just prevent your teeth from getting out of place, but also help with correcting minor movements or shifts among your teeth.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!